Jun's portfolio and stories, South Korea, Travel

I will Show you South Korea 2

A guy from southern part of South Korea lead a group of people wanting to travel in Seoul

While living in the international dormitory in my school, I went to travel to Seoul with my friends. At that time, I was not even familiar with Seoul area but I planed the travel and we had a blast.

156275_4819646456275_1546934616_nThe cool picture taken at the Korean flag.

20000101_090112First experience for Korean singing room. Arron was singing a song with his heart.

376575_10151402683304517_453976088_n        The cool guys at Gyeongbokgung Palace

20120908_024640 20120908_021621                      Korean sauna, we called it Jimjil-bang

My friends said that it was very embarrassed to be naked in public. However I said that it is okay to be naked if others are too. It is only in Sauna!


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