Jun's portfolio and stories, People

Those who make me feel presence in this world

People – You are the Best

Korean dudes

My friends are always next to me and listen to my story. Thanks for giving me much affection and support. I will remember all the moments that you spent together.

Korean people

Global Village dudes

I have met people who have different nationalities and cultural backgrounds. Living in the Global Village for two years was the best choice that I made in my school and changed me a lot. I got motivated to study English, made a decision going to study abroad in the States, changed my personality to be outgoing. Thanks Global Village and friends!

글로벌 빌리지 people

Iowa dudes

I want to give those who I met in Iowa immeasurable gratitude. They are always helpful for me to adapt the new settings. If they had not been there, I would not have finished my exchange life successfully. I am not going to forget you guys help and I will repay you guys kindness in the future!

Iowa life

Those who helped me finish my travel safely

Thanks Ryan: Thanks for bring me to nude beach in San Diego, It was culture shock to me.

Thanks Woo Seok: My old subordinate in the military, but he is older brother in the life. Thanks for showing me around Minneapolis. It was great time to see and hang out with you.

Thanks Justin & Molly: I miss you guys kindness and warm-hearted welcoming. You were my old English professor, but we are friend now. Thanks for taking care about me and my friends in Chicago. I would love to meet you two either in Korea or in Chicago.


people who helped me a lot

Food! Food! Food!

I miss the food that Ms. Chin cooked for me and my friend when I visited to Seattle. Her seafood dishes were the best among American food that I had tried. I still miss her food!

I was very happy that one of my international friends loved my Korean BBQ sauce and really wanted me to know how to make the sauce. When she got the recipe, I still remember her face looking happy. I am also happy that I had a Korean BBQ  party with them!

I was invited to Hot-Pot party which was started by my Chinese and Taiwanese friends. The food was like Shabu-Shabu which cook slightly dipping in the boiling soup. I had tried this type of food in Korea before, but their food was delicious too and I loved it.  More important thing was that I could get along with them even though it was just a semester. Thanks for introducing me your culture and being nice and kind to me!

음식과 사람

 Making a human network is a good way to know how I am and who I am

I believe that  good people would be around me if I am a good person. If this is true, I can get a hint about how I am and who I am. Based on my thought, I think I am getting close to know how I am and how I am. I appreciate all of my friends helping me getting close to better person. Love you all, Thank you all


