South Korea

Going somewhere alone – Gangwondo

During this weekends, I traveled alone. I wanted to go with some close friends but they were all busy, so I decided to go alone rather than invite friends who I don’t want to go with.  I want to Gangneung and Samchuck, which  both cities belongs to Gangwon-do province where takes a big part of northern east coast.

There was a big reason why I wanted to go travel. This was taking some pictures. My sister sent her camera to me, so I wanted to use the camera and take some good pictures.  so I think I did.

Here are some pictures.


This picture is taken at Jeong-Dong-Jin where this city is in Gangneung and very famous for the sunrise. Many Korean people go this place to see the first sunrise of  new-year. When I went there, it was not new-year tho, I hope to see the sunrise, so I woke up at 5am. but I failed because the weather was so bad. I hope to see next time tho.


The second picture was taken at 5am. but I couldn’t see the shining of sun…



I love this picture. I think this is the best pic I have taken this trip. I feel the emptiness and silences.

From the next picture, just see how beautiful Korea is


















I hope to live in the seaport at some point in the future.



Through this travel, I realized that traveling along isn’t that bad. I could change my schedule without any argument, I could be very spontaneous. Literally, I traveled with the flow which was awesome. I made a decision at the end of this travel. It is that I will go travel every once a month. Traveling make me feel refreshed, get rid of my stress and forget about any complexity.

I hope anybody who may read my posting give me any recommendation about tourist spots in the would. I would love to put the recommendations in my bucket list!!

South Korea

It has been a while to update my blog? or website? Anyway, I am happy to back to my blog!   I hope you enjoy being around my blog!

I went to travel Korea alone when I had breaks from my work. I visited Tongyeong and Suncheon where I had never been before. I was excited to go travel alone

Tongyeong – The southern city which is surrounded by beautiful islands

This is the city view from Mireuktto island.


Views from the top of Mireuktto island


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The views from Hansan island.



This is the views from Lee soon shin park!







I loved so much this city because of the views. This view makes me want to live here for the rest of my life. I strongly recommend you to visit here before you die!

Chokseongnu Pavilion and Namgang river –  Jinju

Before going to Suncheon, I stopped by Jinjo to see Chokseongnu and Namgang. I also ate the famous raw beef bibimbap in Jinju. I think I made a good decision stop by here





The views of nam-gang. This river plays the same role of Han-gang in Seoul at Jin-ju




 the raw beef bibimbap in Jin-ju



The biggest bay in Korea – Suncheonman Bay

I safely made to Suncheon which was the last city that I was going to visit in this travel. I was a little bit tired. but I was happy to make it here.


The Suncheonman Bay is the biggest swamp in Korea. Migratory birds come to this swamp to spend their winter. Luckily I could see the birds when I visit here.


The views from Suncheonman






This place is also famous for reed field. If you visit here you can see the huge reed fields .



After finishing this trip, I felt that Korea  has many places to visit. Many travelers from other countries just visit Seoul, the capital of South Korea or Busan, the second biggest city in Korea. However, I strongly recommend that you should search a little bit more about Korea and find where it would be good to visit. I tried to take my friends to a southern or middl part of  Korea. If somebody wants to know about traveling in Korea, feel free to message me or comment my blog.

If you visit Korea, just don’t stay in Seoul. There are more adventurous, beautiful things out of Seoul!



Jun's portfolio and stories, South Korea, Travel

I will Show you South Korea 3

Let’s enjoy the maple in Gwang duck Mountain!

I went to hiking with my friends to the highest mountain in Cheon-an. It was maple season, so I could enjoy the various color of trees and leaves.

10479231_10205189303986113_8207697123208174687_nVille, Junyeong, Mimi, and Marie

When we were getting close to the top of the mountain, the weather was very windy and cold

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This is the top of the mountain!

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Happy that I could bring my friends to the mountain. Let’s go to Seorak Mountain next time!

Jun's portfolio and stories, South Korea, Travel

I will Show you South Korea 2

A guy from southern part of South Korea lead a group of people wanting to travel in Seoul

While living in the international dormitory in my school, I went to travel to Seoul with my friends. At that time, I was not even familiar with Seoul area but I planed the travel and we had a blast.

156275_4819646456275_1546934616_nThe cool picture taken at the Korean flag.

20000101_090112First experience for Korean singing room. Arron was singing a song with his heart.

376575_10151402683304517_453976088_n        The cool guys at Gyeongbokgung Palace

20120908_024640 20120908_021621                      Korean sauna, we called it Jimjil-bang

My friends said that it was very embarrassed to be naked in public. However I said that it is okay to be naked if others are too. It is only in Sauna!

Jun's portfolio and stories, South Korea, Travel

I will show you South Korea 1

Leading people is sometimes hard,

but it is fun and really worth it at the same time.

Nice weather, Nice people, Nice place!

L1320032      Pakhoua, Adwin, Junyeong, Ivette, and Lindsey

I invited my friends who I met in the university to my hometown, which is Gyeong-Ju, very famous tourist place in Korea. It was fun  to organize the travel and pleased to bring them to my home. We biked the whole downtown as feeling the breeze, and nice weather. I brought them to all of the famous attractions in Gyeong-Ju, such as Bulguksa, Chumsung dae, An ap gee, Suk gul am, etc.

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They went back home now, so I do not know when we can go travel again. But, I am certain that we made an awesome memory. I miss you guys.

 My travel is getting intense!

 76282_4761017707236_899235216_nBecca & Robert

 These two of my friends were the first international friends visiting in my hometown. My English was not bad at that time, but I was brave enough to invite them to my hometown. We went to the beautiful east coast and take a lof of photos. It was very fun and worth it.

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These cool friends are in the States. I hope I could have this time again with them.



