South Korea

Going somewhere alone – Gangwondo

During this weekends, I traveled alone. I wanted to go with some close friends but they were all busy, so I decided to go alone rather than invite friends who I don’t want to go with.  I want to Gangneung and Samchuck, which  both cities belongs to Gangwon-do province where takes a big part of northern east coast.

There was a big reason why I wanted to go travel. This was taking some pictures. My sister sent her camera to me, so I wanted to use the camera and take some good pictures.  so I think I did.

Here are some pictures.


This picture is taken at Jeong-Dong-Jin where this city is in Gangneung and very famous for the sunrise. Many Korean people go this place to see the first sunrise of  new-year. When I went there, it was not new-year tho, I hope to see the sunrise, so I woke up at 5am. but I failed because the weather was so bad. I hope to see next time tho.


The second picture was taken at 5am. but I couldn’t see the shining of sun…



I love this picture. I think this is the best pic I have taken this trip. I feel the emptiness and silences.

From the next picture, just see how beautiful Korea is


















I hope to live in the seaport at some point in the future.



Through this travel, I realized that traveling along isn’t that bad. I could change my schedule without any argument, I could be very spontaneous. Literally, I traveled with the flow which was awesome. I made a decision at the end of this travel. It is that I will go travel every once a month. Traveling make me feel refreshed, get rid of my stress and forget about any complexity.

I hope anybody who may read my posting give me any recommendation about tourist spots in the would. I would love to put the recommendations in my bucket list!!
