Jun's portfolio and stories, Thoughts

A message for myself

Life is too short to even live happily.

These days, I have kept negative about the situation that I face. It stressed me out and feel frustrated. I was always afraid of every morning because of my work.AlsI could not sleep well.

Also, I could not sleep well.

However, from now on, I will try to change my attitude of living my life. I will try to be more optimistic and not to get a lot of stress from job.

Junyeong, take a step back and think. then you will know.  Make your life with full of  happiness


Jun's portfolio and stories, Thoughts

I think life is like a good book

Her Korean name is Park Jung Hyun, who is my favorite woman singer in Korea. She gave a speech in SookMyung Women’s University about English literature which was her major in Columbia university.

She was talking about why she chose a English literature as her major, how she became a singer in Korea and how her major is working with her musical career.

Speaking of her singing, whenever I listen to her song, I think that she articulates the emotion of songs as her own way or emotion. I love the way she expresses the emotion of songs.  The expressive power of her musics is very superior and outstanding than any other singers in Korea as far as I know.  I think that is why she could become a  famous singer in Korea. That is her critical weapon.

I think she combined her major, English literature with her musical career well. She sings a song showing her emotion in her unique way. I think the way she articulate her emotion derives from studying literature. She is familiar with understanding the delicate emotion of characters and situations in literature. Studying literature can be the main factor of pursuing her musical career.  I think she is the very good example of combining two different fields, literature and music.

Finishing her speech, she quoted ” I think life is like a good book. the further you get into it, the more you begin to make it senses ” This quote is so true. I am just 25 years old. I am getting into my life as trying to find what I like and what drives me. It begins to make sense more to me and very interesting.

It was good to watch her lecture and I am more big fan of hers now. She has such a good personality I think.

Thanks for giving this impressive lecture to us!

This is what I recommend you to listen to. This is one of her songs that I like. Good to listen to at 2 or 3 am.

Must listen!

