Activities, Jun's portfolio and stories

Let’s cook delicious food with Junyeong

Accept the difference between cultures

There is a phrase representing me. ” No rice, No life”

If there was not Korean market in Ames where I stayed in the States, I would not have survived. As the picture showed, I cooked Korean foods almost every day and shared with my four roommates and other friends. One of my roommates was big fan of my cook; he said that I am the best cook, but not for the others. From sharing foods with my friends, I learned how to understand the different culture. We both should respect their own food culture. I felt that we did not have any right to say which one is better and worse. We just need to accept and respect the difference between cultures.

음식 사진 종합


Jun's portfolio and stories, People

Those who make me feel presence in this world

People – You are the Best

Korean dudes

My friends are always next to me and listen to my story. Thanks for giving me much affection and support. I will remember all the moments that you spent together.

Korean people

Global Village dudes

I have met people who have different nationalities and cultural backgrounds. Living in the Global Village for two years was the best choice that I made in my school and changed me a lot. I got motivated to study English, made a decision going to study abroad in the States, changed my personality to be outgoing. Thanks Global Village and friends!

글로벌 빌리지 people

Iowa dudes

I want to give those who I met in Iowa immeasurable gratitude. They are always helpful for me to adapt the new settings. If they had not been there, I would not have finished my exchange life successfully. I am not going to forget you guys help and I will repay you guys kindness in the future!

Iowa life

Those who helped me finish my travel safely

Thanks Ryan: Thanks for bring me to nude beach in San Diego, It was culture shock to me.

Thanks Woo Seok: My old subordinate in the military, but he is older brother in the life. Thanks for showing me around Minneapolis. It was great time to see and hang out with you.

Thanks Justin & Molly: I miss you guys kindness and warm-hearted welcoming. You were my old English professor, but we are friend now. Thanks for taking care about me and my friends in Chicago. I would love to meet you two either in Korea or in Chicago.


people who helped me a lot

Food! Food! Food!

I miss the food that Ms. Chin cooked for me and my friend when I visited to Seattle. Her seafood dishes were the best among American food that I had tried. I still miss her food!

I was very happy that one of my international friends loved my Korean BBQ sauce and really wanted me to know how to make the sauce. When she got the recipe, I still remember her face looking happy. I am also happy that I had a Korean BBQ  party with them!

I was invited to Hot-Pot party which was started by my Chinese and Taiwanese friends. The food was like Shabu-Shabu which cook slightly dipping in the boiling soup. I had tried this type of food in Korea before, but their food was delicious too and I loved it.  More important thing was that I could get along with them even though it was just a semester. Thanks for introducing me your culture and being nice and kind to me!

음식과 사람

 Making a human network is a good way to know how I am and who I am

I believe that  good people would be around me if I am a good person. If this is true, I can get a hint about how I am and who I am. Based on my thought, I think I am getting close to know how I am and how I am. I appreciate all of my friends helping me getting close to better person. Love you all, Thank you all



America, Jun's portfolio and stories, Travel

Bacpakcing in the States

  Travel is always the best way to meet people

여행지도 3

 Backpacking from From East to West, 5652km.

  • Boston – Elegant history and Lobster in the rain

I started my backpacking in Boston.  Speaking of Boston,  there are two words that come to my mind. These are  ‘Histroy and Lobster’  There were many historic places that I read in the textbooks, such as Boston Tea Party, USS Constitution. Wherever I visited historic places, these places made me feel ashamed on the lack of historic knowledge.

The other thing was the Lobster.  There is a funny story with Lobster. My friend and I went to restaurants which seemed to really expensive. We wanted to enjoy the atmosphere of Boston, so we seat at the terrace. All of a sudden, it started raining!!! We could not stop eating Lobster. After all, we covered our food with our body and finished eating.  However, the lobster was the most delicious seafood that I have ever eaten.





  • New York City –  relaxing time under the heart of Capitalism

After traveling Boston, my friend and I were on the bus heading to New York City. I could not hold back my excitement  going to New York City which is the main financial heart of the world. When I stepped off from the bus, I could feel the busyness of the city. Everybody was walking toward without looking back.  I could not see easy-going people there. It was a little scary and sad.  I would be the only easy-going person in N.Y.C. because I met Jimin who is the guy that I met in the Korean army I was very pleased to meet him. We looked back our military life and talked about how bad it was. I could forget everything such as, plan, time, and money, etc. while talking with him. I was very glad that we were reunited in the States.





  • Washington D.C.  –  Well-planned tourist city and Korean war

The third destination was Washington D.C. As the capital of the United States, I could feel the dignity on this city. Most of the buildings are relatively lower than New York City. My first impression of this city was that it is a good place to travel and well-planned for tourists.  I thought that Korea could benchmark this city when it creates new tourist city.  Like the capital of the United States, D.C. showed wonderful impression.

The Korean-War Veteran Memorial came to us with respect and sorrow. If they were not in Korea to fight against Communism, I would not have any chances to go study abroad or travel. I would never forget the history of my country. I hope they rest in peace.

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  • Chicago – 18hours journey with Amtrak

I took train which took 18 hours  from D.C. to Chicago. I could have taken airplane which was cheaper and faster, but I chose taking 18 hours train.  I had flown many times when I went other cities and I really wanted something new experiences.  There is another reason for this. I wanted to meet various people who are taking trains. As far as I knew, the stereotype for the public transportation was that people who only poor or strange take public transportation.  I wanted to see whether this is true or not. It turned out to be wrong. I met people who are really nice and warm-hearted. Having a conversation people who were raised in a very different situation always make me reflect myself.






  • Denver, Rocky Mountain – challenge myself and test my patience

Whenever I remind the scenery of Rocky mountain, I get chills. For me, It is the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen in my life. Things like Wind, flower, wild animal, and rocks seemed to be new because I had stuck in civilized society, like New York City. If I compare the scenery of Rocky Mountain with night view from Rockefeller center, the view from Rocky Mountain wins. If I have another chance to visit U.S., I would definitely visit here again.

The most challenging activity that I did in Rocky Mountain was to biking to the peak. I could have driven a car to the peak, but I did not. I wanted to enjoy this nature as longer and slowly as I can. My decision was absolutely right. I completely enjoyed Rocky Mountain. However, biking to mountain required a lot things like patience, stamina, and courage.  Unfortunately, we could not go to the peak of this mountain because the weather was bad at the top. However, we got to Rainbow curve, which is really close to the peak. The first picture is from the rainbow curve. I never regret that I biked to Rocky Mountain.







  • Las Vegas – City in the middle of nowhere

I was excited to visit Las Vegas until I saw this city in the middle of nowhere. City in the middle of nowhere… this is my first impression of this city. This city looks like gambling oasis in the desert. I thought that I could not live in this city. This city seemed all fake and illusion to me.  I do not know why I felt like that, but I guess because people just visit this city for vacation and fun, so all the things look fake?






  • Grand Canyon

There is a no word for Grad Canyon. Make sure you visit here before you die




  • San Diego – Ryan and being laid-back

When I was planning to visit San Diego, I contacted with Ryan who came to Korea as a exchange student in my school. Ryan said that I was welcomed to visit and stay his dorm. Everything was set for visiting San Diego. When we met each other, we were not awkward at all like we had hung out all the times. He also introduced me his friends and invited me to school party. I was happy to be social and  meet new people.  One thing that I felt in San Diego was that people were easy-going and laid-back. They seemed to be light-hearted. There were clear differences with Koreans. People in Korea look stressed and heavy-hearted. It might be the circumstances that they are faced like getting a job, political problems, etc. However, we need to be relaxed and see the far future as taking a step backward.


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  • Los Angles, Disney Land – I hate Mickey Mouse.

I went to Disney Land with my girlfriend and her sister. One thing shocked me was that the entrance fee. It was over $100!!!  however, I paid it, saying this would be the last time for me to come here.

It was fun to be in the amusement park with girlfriends. it had been 6months to see her face to face. we had a good time. The thing was the Mickey Mouse. I could not understand people who were waiting for Mickey Mouse to take picture. I think we waited almost 1 hour to see him. He was like a dream character  for kids.






  • San Fransisco – Friends gathering

When I visited in San Fransisco, I felt like I was in Korea because I could meet my friends that I used to hang out in Korea. Some are international students, others are exchange students in U.S., some just arrived to the States from Korea. Thirteen of us thought that we were like hanging out in Global village in Korea; Global Village is the multicultural dormitory in my university, Soon Chun Hyang university.  We had a conversation about how we got along with one another,  how we were drunk in birthday. We looked back to our memory made in Korea.








Activities, Jun's portfolio and stories

Short speech to freshman

I really wish I had this chance talking my story to people


My mentor professor in the school asked me to give a short speech to freshmen. He wanted me to say to them with my experiences in the States and gave them a advice about school life. I wanted to give them strong motivation of doing what they love and going abroad with courage.

It was little nervous until I started, but I was getting into speaking of myself to them. It was great and unforgettable  time for me. If there was one more chance doing this,  I would love to do it again.

Keep having a positive effect on people

Activities, Jun's portfolio and stories

Tolerance, Reading and Discussion club

We love to share thoughts, Do not be shy!

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I have joined Reading and Discussion club since I was freshmen. We read a book once a week and have a conversation meeting on every Wed. we share our thought from books and argue one another.

I learned many things at this club. The one thing is that listening to others’ words lie ahead of speaking. So, listening is the starting point of conversation.  Even though people are saying without points, listener’s role is to keep listening to them until they finish and answer it with your best. This is the common courtesy.

Jun's portfolio and stories, Projects

Business Trip to Hawaii

     Fall in love with Hawaii



 I went to Hawaii for the business trip on June 28th 2013, when  I was 23 years old. Looking back at the time, I was very nervous to be on the airplane because it was my first time.


I was the leader of my group. I was very happy that I could be a leader on this team. I said to myself that I would lead this group successfully and safely

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I interviewed many people to know how they think about  Paper pot, which was the idea products of small company in Korea. One thing that we realized was, even though we did not speak English fluently, we could still communicate with people. The thing was our activeness and confidence.


After coming back to Korea, we made a presentation to show our results. After presentation, we awarded $100 scholarships for this project. No matter how much the scholarships were, I learned how to work with team and  ACTIVENESS AND CONFIDENCE are key factor to live a life.

최종수정본 – Presentation PowerPoint.

Activities, Jun's portfolio and stories

Global Mentoring Program

Great opportunity to meet people from all over the world!


Mentors and Mentees went to bowling place to get to know one another


This was when we went to Ice Rink. We had a blast!


교환학생 수기_정준영

KakaoTalk_20150520_225609061International coordinator in my school asked me to write a essay about my life in Iowa and introduced the Global mentoring program that I joined. Fortunately, my essay was on the school periodical. I was glad that my essay motivated the potential students who wanted to go abroad!

Activities, Jun's portfolio and stories

Singing at the Stage

For the first time to sing a song in the Stage!

Korean night5

Korean night4

When I was in Iowa, I participated in Korean Night, which was showing talents. I was hesitant to participating in this show because I had not been on the stage before. However, I think I wanted to feel the emotion receiving applause. That is the why I did.

I sang a duet song with a girl who I met at the Iowa State University. I thought that singing a duet would be easier, but it turned out to be harder. We should divide the singing part, dress codes and adjusted our harmony. It was even far harder to sing  by myself.

Unfortunately, we did not win this show. we fully enjoyed singing at the stage and broke our fear being on the stage. The happiest moment was the time when one girl told me that my voice was good.

If I have a another chance to be on the Stage, I would definitely do it. It was unforgettable experiences.

Jun's portfolio and stories, Who am I

The perspective of others about me.

Jeong, Junyeong_Letter of Reference_이수정 선생님 추천서

Letter_of_Reference_form_Alison 추천서

This can be the different perspective that how other people see me. This letter of recommendation can can be the objective point of view to me from others.

I really appreciate both Alison and Suejung teacher who wrote willingly these letter of recommendation for me!
